Saturday, November 8, 2014



She is always the centre of attention. If the focus is not on her she becomes so insecure. She sulks when she doesn’t get her way and can even go to extremes to seek revenge. She has a bunch of YES friends that do everything she says.  The Queen Bee has not learnt the art of treating others the way she would like to be treated because she is too focused on herself. It may take her a while to learn new habits of thinking more about others but she can learn them and then she maybe truly worthy of the throne.


She wants to be anything but herself.  She is a people pleaser to a fault and wants to be liked. She lacks assertiveness and she struggles to say NO. She needs to step back and get to know herself more and try not to be too concerned with what others think. She has to realise that you can’t please everyone and she does not need to please everyone.


And the winner is True Bee. Her other name is Free Bee. She is on the road to finding herself and really just wants to be happy. She doesn’t bother too much about other people’s opinion because she knows who she is. She has empathy and is always available for her friends. A True Bee can be a role model to those who don’t think enough of themselves and to those who may think too highly of themselves.

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