Monday, November 2, 2015


Here are 20 things confidence girls never do (Inspired by live bold and bloom)
1. Lie to themselves
2. Avoid speaking up
3. Let failure hold them back
4. Please others to win approval
5. Over focus on appearance
6. Have poor body language
7. Put others down to feel good
8. Try to hide their mistakes
9. Settle for mediocre
10.           Avoid connecting with others
11.           Resist learning new things
12.           Focus more on their weakness than strengths
13.           Compromise their values
14.           Avoid seeking help when they need it
15.           Ignore their own judgment
16.           Neglect their own skills
17.           Try to change their personalities
18.           Over complicate their lives
19.           Look to others to fulfill them

20.           Assume they are done improving their confidence

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