Thursday, July 16, 2015


The Word says LOVE is Kind. How can we be kinder because it is such an essential virtue? I am passionate about kindness. I absolutely despise bad treatment and I am very vocal about it. I hate injustice and I hate seeing others or myself taken for granted. And I will confront the unkindness. Unkindness can knock one’s self esteem. No one, no matter how confident, likes to be treated badly. Some girls are really mean and laugh or comment on others and this upsets me too, not to talk about the person who is being treated badly. 

The tips below will help us to think more about being kinder to others.

Look Inwards
There are reasons why we are sometimes unkind to others and maybe it’s because we have things going on inside our world so we want to lash out. If we are frustrated with life in anyway, we shouldn’t take it out on others. We should learn to deal with our own issues. Ada had anger issues. This caused her to be short tempered and tactless when dealing with others. But she soon realised that it was affecting her relationships. She confided in a friend and is now looking for ways to deal with anger.

Childhood Issues
Some people are unkind because of childhood issues. Maybe their parents were unkind to them. Maybe they had a difficult upbringing. This is not a reason to be unkind to others. The best way to deal with matters like abuse is to seek professional counselling. Lisa was molested as a young girl. She kept this a big secret but was angry with the world. She found any opportunity to be unkind to others, especially those that she thought were happy. Fortunately for Lisa, she found a mentor who had been through a similar experience to her and was able to steer her in the right way.

Treat Others Well
There is nobody that I have met that likes to be treated unkindly. The truth is sometimes unkindness can really knock ones self esteem. This happened to Agatha. She was being bullied by a girl called Temi. She was called really unkind names. Temi knew she was getting to her and carried on the abuse. Agatha fell into depression and was almost suicidal. When Temi discovered this, she felt so bad and changed her ways.

It doesnt come naturally for everyone to be reflective, but we should really be mindful when dealing with others. We should also ask the following, is our behaviour nice, pure, kind and does it reflect our beliefs? As a Christian, I always have to ask myself if my behaviour reflects Christ.

Nobody Is Perfect
Kindness needs to be practised and deliberate. Sometimes, affirming to ourselves that we are kind, will help us be kinder. At my valuable YOU Summer Camp for girls, I get the girls to recite a daily Valuable YOU anthem which includes kindness. Nobody is perfect but we should make an effort to try to be kind, always.

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