Thursday, December 17, 2015


Recently I gave a talk to teens girls in Lagos titled ‘’ All that Glitters in not Gold’’ and would like to share some of my thoughts, to you my readers. I talked about impressions and things that should and shouldnt impress us. 

See my list below

Don’t Be Impressed By Good Looks
There is usually a general assumption that if a person is good looking, then they are a good person, right? Wrong! There are good looking people that have terrible characters and are very mean. It is important to get to know people properly before jumping into friendships. Good looking doesn’t necessarily add up to a good person.

Don’t Be Impressed By Money
The love of money is the root of evil. This is the truth. The moment we start to love money, we may start compromising on our values. Don’t strive for money. Strive for success and the money they say, will follow.

Don’t Be Impressed by Material Possession such as cars, houses, designer bags, shoes, hair, phones. They only create short term happiness. The more we crave, the less we are satisfied. How many clothes can really make us happy? Be deeper than your material possessions. They don’t make you a better person.

Don’t Be Impressed By Followers
People that follow us on social media are not real friends so don’t get impressed if someone has 1000 followers and you don’t. Maybe the person is sharing something worth value to the audience but it doesn’t make them better than you. Be unique don’t get depressed if you don’t have followers. Just be yourself.

Don’t Be Impressed By Gifts
There is nothing like a free lunch. If you receive gifts constantly from one person when it’s not your birthday or an occasion to celebrate, then watch out. If you feel uncomfortable, kindly return to sender before you end up compromising your values.

Don’t Be Impressed By Pride
Pride comes before a fall and its one of the thing’s the Lord detests. Don’t be impressed by a girl that shows pride. It’s a bad personality trait and one that can take a life time to cure, if at all.

So what should we be impressed by?

Be Impressed By Humility
A humble girl is down to earth and open. She is not selfish and is always looking for ways to help others. She is kind and loving and if she does something to offend others, she is quick to say sorry. 

Be Impressed By Generosity
A generous girl thinks about others. She is a giver and will always receive a good reward for her good heart. It’s a biblical principle. Caution! Don’t give to receive though. Give because you genuinely want to help others.

Be Impressed By A Girl Who Fears God
A girl that fears God will always know her human limitations. She knows that her life depends on HIM and not herself. She knows that God is watching her and therefore lives with a conscious. This is a girl to be impressed by.

Be Impressed By A Girl With Purpose
This is a girl who knows herself. She has strong self-awareness. She knows her strengths and her weaknesses. She seeks to improve what she can about herself and purses things in life that strengthen her natural gifts. She knows why she was born and spends her life doing those things that she was purposed to do.

Be Impressed By A Girl Who Work’s Hard
A girl that works hard will receive great success. She will be sought after by the best and not ordinary folk. All that she does is excellent. The rewards of her hard work are evident. She does her best in her areas of strength. She is a class act.

Be Impressed By A Girl Who Loves To Read
A girl who reads is a leader. She is probably a prefect in school. Once she leaves school and starts work, she will be promoted rapidly because she is smart and sharp. A girl who reads has good communication skills and can express herself very well.

And Finally Be Impressed By A Girl Who Has Inner Confidence. She knows her value.  She doesn’t need to tell the world how good she is because inside she knows who she is. She respects herself and is also respected by others. A girl with strong inner confidence is just herself and accepts who she is. There is no fronting, forming or pretense.

So that's my list, what impresses you? Please share your thoughts below…

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