Thursday, August 6, 2015


Compassion is a word that brings up a lot of warm feelings to some but others just can’t relate to it at all. We know that our environment is harsh especially for us living in a county like Nigeria but wouldn’t the world be a better place if we were more compassionate?  I have listed below ways in which we can achieve this.

More Empathy
I understand empathy to mean putting myself in someone else’s shoes. It doesn’t mean taking on their issues but it shows another person that I understand what they are going through and care. One of my stewards recently shared with me that her sister died. If I didn’t show compassion, I would have just been in more of hurry for her to clean my house. But I listened and showed concern and empathy about this tragic death. Empathy doesn’t always have to be as extreme as when someone dies. It is just the ability to show that you care.

More Care
How much do we care for others? In a town like Lagos, it is very easy to get bogged down with one’s life and not care about other people. I call it the “Me, Myself and I syndrome”. We can get so bothered about what we are going through that we forget that others maybe going through worst challenges. In order to be more compassionate, we should take our minds off ourselves and find a way to care for others with more pressing needs than our own.

More Sensitive
I think that we can learn to be more sensitive, even if it doesn’t come naturally. Sensitivity shows compassion. We can be slow to speak and ask ourselves if what we want to say will help another person or destroy them. Some people do not think that name calling is destructive but is it. Just watch a person’s spirit go down when you call them stupid, foolish or idiot. Wouldn’t it better to say kind words?

Kind Words
Speaking of kind words, I always say to my three children that if you haven’t got anything kind to say to each don’t say anything at all. That is the rule in my household. We try our best to only say kind words that will lift and build one another. You may say, ‘I will find it difficult’. Yes at first it might be difficult and it takes time to kick off old habits but it is possible if you are deliberate. Try your best to speak only kind words to others. It will increase your compassion.

There are so many charities that are screaming out for donations. It doesn’t have to be money. It can be clothes, food or just your time. Giving something is better than nothing. And it helps us to take time off ourselves and think about others.

Let’s try and be a little bit more charitable this week. Let’s try and be a little bit more compassionate.

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