Thursday, February 19, 2015


She watches television. She reads novels. She listens to music and has conversations with her friends. All she wants is a boyfriend! She does not want to sleep with him but she loves the feeling of romance like in the novels that she reads. All she wants is a boyfriend. She's only 13. She's exposed to much more than we ever were. Here are a few things to tell a 13 year old girl who wants a boyfriend.

There Is No Rush
I remember when I was 13, I wanted to be 16 and when I was 16 I wanted to be 21 but the truth of the matter is there is no rush to grow up and there is no need to indulge in what is meant for adults. I say have boys as friends. Have lots of them but getting yourself romantically involved with a boy at 13 is too young and distracting. 

Tracey rebelled against her mother soon after her dad died. She was grieving about the loss of her father but instead of seeking help from the family, she got involved with a boy who was much older than her. What were the consequences? Pregnancy at 13.

Having A Crush Is Normal
I always say to young girls that having the occasional crush on a boy is normal. It shows that you are no longer a little girl anymore and that you are moving from little girl into a woman. But you are not quite there yet. Even though your body may have developed into a woman’s shape, you are definitely not equipped for all the emotions of being in an adult relationship.

Aside from getting pregnant, a young girl who decides to have a boyfriend may end up catching STD (without protection) if she decides to sleep with him. Some girls say that they are just dating and not sleeping with their boyfriends at 13 but it just takes one kiss and then you may to let your guards down and be caught out. Teenage pregnancy is on the increase all over the world and I would encourage girls to abstain. There is a season for everything.

Find A Hobby
At 13, there is so much more to life than having a boyfriend. You have your life ahead of you to engage in all that. At this stage of your life, focus at being the best you. This is time to study and get good grades. Look after your body. Look after your mind and look after your self-respect.

For Parents & Guardian
Sometimes girls seek love outside the home because they don’t feel loved. Always keep the communication open with girls and find out of there are any issues. Tell them how much you love and care for them. Don’t be a stranger.

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