Friday, October 10, 2014

An Assertive Girl knows...

An assertive girl knows that the world is an ok place and that she is just as important as anyone else in it. She also knows she has a right to success and happiness. How does she know this?

Her Rights
She values herself and knows her rights. She recognises her rights and protects them. She understands her rights and knows that they are just as important as everyone else’s. She knows she has a right to say NO without an explanation.

See examples of her rights
        Ask for what she wants
        Ask for help
        Have ideas
        Make mistakes
        Try and try again
        Change her mind
        Say no sometimes
        Complain when it’s not fair
        Be proud when she does well

As assertive girl believes that she deserves to be treated with respect and dignity at all times and will not put up with bad behaviour from anyone. She knows that she should not apologize for everything.

Her Needs
She has identified her needs and wants. She doesn’t wait for others to recognize them because she may wait forever.  She knows her own needs must be satisfied. But she knows that in order to get her needs met, it doesn’t mean sacrificing the needs of others.

She knows that everyone is responsible for their own behaviour. However, she doesn’t accept responsibility for how people react to her assertive statement. She can only control herself. She realises that as long as she is not violating someone else’s needs she has every right to say what she wants.

Express Herself
An assertive girl knows that she can express her thoughts and feelings in a healthy and positive manner. She can allow herself to be angry but always respectful. She has a right to say what’s on her mind but she does it in a way that protects the other person’s feelings.

Control Emotions
An assertive girl is able to control her emotions. She can stand up for herself  to people who challenge her rights. She accepts criticism and also accepts compliments positively and graciously. An assertive girl allows herself to make mistakes and asks for help.

Say NO
As assertive girl knows when to say NO, when she needs to, without explanation.

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