Sunday, October 5, 2014

Finishing Strong

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak to Year 6 school in Lagos. My topic was Finishing strong. I wanted to point out difference between personality and character as they move on to Secondary school years. I wanted these school leavers to really be equipped with this knowledge because they are entering impressionable years where peer pressure is high. I also wanted them to note that a good name is more precious than gold, silver, ipods, iphones or tablets.

Personality Vs Character

I told them that personality is the image you project and how others see you. So you may either be social, funny, shy, outgoing, deep, persuasive, etc. These are normally inherent and not affected by your environment. Character on the other hand is learnt behaviour. We are normally quick to judge people based on their personality, rather than character, which takes longer to be revealed. Some say personality opens the doors but a good character will keep you there. Your character is what counts in the end and is related to your moral standing.

What is Character?

I told them that character is who we are when no one else is looking. We talked in-depth about honesty, diligence, integrity, fairness, responsibility, courage, justice, respect, being caring and trustworthy. Some people have a great personality but a bad character, while others may have a not so charming personality, but a great character but in the end your character speaks more volumes.

Good Character

Good character goes hand in hand with strong self esteem and doing what is right even when it is difficult. I told them there might be moments when they don't want to do the right thing, especially if no one is watching but they should stand firm on their principles and do the right thing anyway.

I concluded by saying that life is a journey and that even as adults we are far from perfect, we make mistakes, sometimes costly ones, but that each and every one of us has a responsibility to develop the content of our character because that will give us a more fulfilling and peaceful life in the long run.

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