Friday, October 3, 2014

Developing Inner Confidence

According the Oxford dictionary, confidence means a feeling or a belief that you can do something well or succeed at something.  Many girls today lack confidence because they often feel that they are not good enough.  There are also external challenges, peer pressure and some say that girls are growing up too fast, which leads them to make poor choices. In addition, the world has become more competitive and those who have strong confidence skills will far outshine and do better than those who don’t. The tips shared on this page will help improve a girl’s confidence and show her ways to master the skill.

There is often an assumption that an outwardly, spoken, outgoing girl is more confident than a girl who is reserved and who doesn’t say much. That is not always the case because what is being displayed is personality traits rather than confidence. We should not make assumptions on either. What is important is for girls to develop inner confidence.

What ways do we display Inner confidence
Self love. You can often tell when a girl has self love. It is not hidden. She will take care of herself. She will nurture herself. She will not put herself down because she knows that she is fearfully and wonderfully made. She also takes steps to look after herself and her body by eating well and exercising. Kemi is very healthy. She learnt from a young age to eat healthily. She loves vegetables and always makes healthy choices when it comes to food. She is super fit and often represents her school at sports.

Self knowledge: A girl who has strong self knowledge is normally reflective. She can reflect on her feelings, thoughts and behaviours and she is interested in knowing how she is perceived. A girl with self knowledge is aware of her strengths and her weakness but focuses more on her strengths. She also has a strong sense of her values and is less likely to do anything that she doesn’t want to do. Amanda is self aware. She just doesn’t follow the crowd. She makes very good choices, even with her choice of friends because she knows what is good for her.

Clear Goals: A confident girl has a strong sense of purpose. From a young age she has been raised to set goals and to go for what she wants. A girl should get into the habit of setting goals which will lead to more energy and more motivation rather than just coasting. Edna is 12 and loves tennis. She practices nearly every day and has even written in her journal that she will be a great tennis player. Her parents saw her passion from young and encouraged her. They also assist her in writing down other important goals for her life.

Positive Thinking: Some girls tend to have a habit of putting themselves down. They don’t step out as boldly as boys because they are afraid of what others think. A confident girl looks on the bright side of life. She expects good things to happen to her. She always believes in the best possible outcome.  She doesn’t worry about negative outcomes because her mind is focused on doing her best. Ada is a confident girl. She is great company because she is always happy. She thinks the best in others and you hardly hear her complaining. She is an optimist and believes that something great will always happen to her.

Author Rita Okoye – Majestically Rare

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